Debbie Odom
Professional and personal service. Give them a call!
Melissa Wellmaker
We couldn’t be more pleased with the Work byJordan (owner) and his workers! My Husband wanted a piece of turf to come out from our Sports Room to tie into that room and make it more of an Indoor/Outdoor Vibe and they brought the perfect piece to our home & it looks Amazing! Can’t wait to get our Furniture on it & start using it! Jordan is knowledgeable & the most personable down to earth business owner you will meet. You won’t regret using him for your Synthetic Turf needs Big or Small!!!
Jason Rikard
Professional, on time and great craftsmanship.
David Farley
After talking & getting quotes from other local & national companies about synthetic turf, I'm so glad that I found A1 synthetic turfs!! Jordan (owner/operator) is super knowledgeable and a pleasure to work with!! Him & his team replaced some zoysia around my pool area and now I want to do my whole yard since it turned out looking so incredible. Their workmanship and pricing are un-matched. If you're looking for a local based, very personal company to install synthetic turf, then look no further. A1 is simply the best around!
la floresita
Best. Putting greens. And landscape design for artificial grass install. In georgia